Vail Mountain School, in partnership with Mountain Youth and Eagle Valley Behavioral Health, is pleased to present best-selling author Jessica Lahey on Monday, March 28 at 5:30 pm. Jessica embraces topics of education, parenting, welfare, and substance abuse and has written for The Washington Post, New York Times, and The Atlantic.
Jessica will focus her parent presentation on fostering a sense of curiosity in children, urging us to support their motivation, direction, and success. Learn tips and strategies based on Jessica’s New York Times bestseller, The Gift of Failure: How the Best Parents Learn to Let Go So Their Children Can Succeed. Dr. Kate Drescher offers, “Jessica Lahey has an important message for parents who are raising children of all ages. For parents, there is no job more important than caring for their children's wellbeing. They feel their children's sadness as a result of a disappointment or loss, and the need to relieve them of that pain or discomfort can be powerful. While there are times it is very appropriate and necessary for parents to advocate for their children, Lahey explains that in being overly protective, this well-intentioned action prevents children from developing the ability to learn from their setbacks and build a sense of self-efficacy.”
The evening will begin at 5:30 pm with a buffet dinner and child care will be provided. Jessica’s presentation will begin at 6 pm. Please register HERE.