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Mission, Vision, Board of Trustees

The VMS Board of Trustees actively supports and promotes our mission, vision, strategic goals, and policy positions. The Board sets policy and focuses on long-range and strategic issues while refraining from becoming involved directly in specific management, personnel, or curricular issues.

Board of Trustees Bios

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2021 VMS Rolling Strategic Plan


  • Clarify and communicate educational philosophy based upon our mission, traditions, and core values to the external community, current families, faculty, staff, and prospective families. 
  • Educate the community about the unique cultures of each division while adhering to the mission and vision of the school.
  • Examine programming for our highly motivated students and consider new resources.


  • Support student wellness through a review of our K-12 social emotional programs and curriculum.
  • Prioritize enrollment of mission-appropriate students.
  • Foster enrollment of students from different socio-economic, racial, and ethnic backgrounds.
  • Ensure a community culture that supports the inclusion and belonging of an increasingly diverse student body.
  • Review, create, and then display age-appropriate visuals of a Portrait of a VMS Student.


  • Hire and transition a new Head of School.
    Create more opportunities for faculty and staff input in the school’s programs and decision-making process.
  • Review faculty and staff compensation with a particular focus on transparency and fairness.
  • Identify opportunities to increase faculty and staff access to housing.
  • Focus on faculty and staff wellness through a review of behavioral health support.


  • Evaluate the best use of our physical space and opportunities for additions on our current campus.
  • Resolve the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) agreement with the Town of Vail.
  • Launch our Rolling 5-year Facility Maintenance Plan.


  • Explore the ideal size of school based on our programming and physical space.
  • Provide increased student and parent education to reinforce the responsibilities and commitments each makes as a community member of VMS.
  • Review the impact of the VMS partnership with Ski and Snowboard Club Vail on all aspects of the school.
  • Research enrollment accessibility with regard to transportation, scholarship, and tuition assistance across divisions.


  • Prioritize Inclusion & Belonging initiatives within the VMS community. 
  • Ensure compliance with the NAIS and ACIS Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion standards.
  • Establish an operational Inclusion & Belonging committee.
  • Secure permanent funding for Inclusion & Belonging consulting, staffing, and programming.
  • Increase the diversity of the members of the VMS Board of Trustees, board committees, and faculty and staff to ensure it reflects the community as a whole. 


  • Add at least $10M to our existing endowment in order to support the legacy of VMS in perpetuity.
  • Update our Rolling 5-year Financial Plan.
  • Secure permanent funding for the VMS Speaker Series.
  • Create a more robust culture of philanthropy in the VMS community.