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Beyond the classroom, VMS offers great opportunities for trying new things, for self-expression, for relaxation… and for fun! Our students explore and commit themselves to areas of interest they find deeply meaningful, expanding their sense of self and challenging them to grow.

Middle School Clubs are semester-long and are generated by students and faculty. Some clubs that have run before are Chess & Board Games, UN Debate, Backcountry, Reading, Environmental, Skateboarding, Baking, Wellness & Relaxation, Arts & Crafts, and Language Learning. Student clubs and activities are student-driven and thus constantly evolving!

We share a responsibility to lead one another and promote the development of each individual in, and the collective wellbeing of, our community.  Leadership is a mindset and collection of actions exemplified through everyday behaviors.  Every student has the capacity and responsibility to lead. We have many formal leadership opportunities available to Upper School students. This group of leaders together forms our Upper School Student Leadership Board, which meets monthly to discuss effective leadership strategies and address pertinent community issues.


What is leadership if not a sense of responsibility for the
development of those around us? Tom Taylor

Student Leadership & Clubs

Upper School Leadership Committees

  • Wellness Committee
  • Philanthropy & Service Group
  • Honor Council
  • Student Life Representatives
  • Student Leadership Board
  • Cross Age Mentors
  • Diversity Committee
  • Student Equity Committee


  • Book Club
  • Canine Companions Junior Chapter
  • Chess Club
  • Environmental Club
  • Gore Rangers Hype Squad
  • Gore Rangers Newspaper
  • Guitar Club
  • Intellectual Freedom Club
  • Math Team
  • Philanthropy & Service Group
  • Queer Straight Alliance
  • Thespian Society
  • Video Editing Club

I think I have done the most growth during my senior year. I grew into myself a little more this year and I began being a leader in the community. A challenge was becoming confident enough to be who am I now, and raising my voice. The most rewarding was the amount of change that we have accomplished in the Diversity Committee. Upper School Student